Contacts of admissions committees

A training evacuation took place at the academy

On April 19 another training evacuation was held at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography. The event was held in the academic, residential and ballet buildings of the institution.

The aim of the event was to ensure fire safety, compliance with fire safety regulations, practicing evacuation skills of responsible employees in case of fire or a threat of terrorist attack.

The first stage of the training simulated the detection of a planted improvised explosive device and the occurrence of fire, and the simultaneous activation of manual fire alarm sensors on the third floor of the academic building of the Academy at 16 hours. 00 min. 00 sec.

The recall time of the automatic fire alarm system was the normative time between the activation of the manual fire alarm sensors and the triggering of the automatic fire alarm system. The automatic fire alarm system was activated in the normal mode. In accordance with the established program, the air supply in the elevator shafts and stairwells and the smoke evacuation system were activated, as well as the automatic lowering of all elevators to the first floor and the opening of elevator doors. A voice alarm went off on all floors of the academy building.

The power engineer and the electrician on duty, in accordance with the instruction on the priority actions simulated power outage in the building. The on-duty plumber together with the security guards of Stations 7, 8, 9 reported on the readiness to meet the fire brigades of the Specialized Fire Brigade No. 6. The security personnel opened all gates of the academy grounds and the evacuation exits of the buildings in a timely manner.
