Contacts of admissions committees

Class concert of pupils

Class concert of pupils

by Serkebayeva G.H.

On April 19, 2019 in the assembly hall “A concert of pupils” of a class of the teacher Serkebayeva G.H. was held at 17:30. Pupils of 5-6 classes of school college, pupils of structure “Additional education” and also the invited actors participated in a concert: Soloists of the State academic philharmonic hall of akimat Mr. Nur-Sultan Qorqyt” dasturly saz toby. Concert subject “Fauna in music and cinema”. Many composers of different eras and the directions created program works, subject which it is presented in bright images of fauna, most often it works of the children’s direction and the contents, which purpose to acquaint young musicians with various means of musical expressiveness. The section of “concert master skill and musical disciplines” congratulates the teacher Serkebayeva G.H. on a successful performance of pupils of its class, with fine preparation for a concert performance and wishes further creative achievements.
