Contacts of admissions committees

Innovative learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs

As part of the Operational Development Plan of the NJSC Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, on January 22, 2020, a methodological seminar on the topic “Innovative Learning Technologies in the Implementation of Educational Programs” was organized by the department of methodological support of the educational process.

The purpose of the methodological seminar: improving the efficiency of the educational process through the use of modern approaches to the organization of educational activities, continuous improvement of the professional level and pedagogical skills of the teaching staff.

The head of the department of methodological support of the educational process, Ph.D., associate professor G. Esenbekova on the topic “Adaptation of higher education to the digital generation by introducing innovative educational technologies into the educational process” and the head of the Department of Humanities, Ph.D. Kozhantayeva “Application of case study in the educational process”, where they talked about new advanced methods and shared their experiences.
