Contacts of admissions committees

International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Erkegali Rakhmadiev “ERKEGALI RAKHMADIEV. XXI CENTURY”

E.Rakhmadiyev is the brightest figure of the beginning of the 20th century, whose importance for Kazakh art cannot be overestimated. As an outstanding Kazakh composer, he has emerged as the personification of an entire era in the art of music.

As the author of six operas including “Kamar-Sulu” (1963), “Alpamys” (1972), “Abylay Khan” (1999), many orchestral, vocal and choral, theatrical and stage, chamber and instrumental works, songs and romances, Erkegali Rakhmadiyev is known as the creator of a new genre of symphonic kui, and his orchestral works in this genre such as “Dairabai” and “Kudasha-duman” etched the composer’s name in gold in the history of Kazakh music.

In 2022, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory is going to hold an international scientific and practical conference “Erkegali Rakhmadiyev. XXI Century”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of E. Rakhmadiyev.

Conference information letter


Appendix 1.

Sample application


1 Last name

First name

2 Country, city  
3 Place of work (place of study for students)  
4 Co-author (if available, specify)  
5 Position, academic degree,

academic title, honorary title

(for students – course, specialty)

6 Title of the article (report)  
7 What thematic direction does the article belong to  
8 Contact phone number  
9 Email  
10 Form of participation

(full-time or part-time)


