Contacts of admissions committees

Multilingual education:position and experience

On November 19, 2019, as part of the operational development plan of NJSC “Kazakh national academy of choreography” for the 2019-2020 academic year, the Department of methodological support of the educational process together with the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines held a seminar on the topic: “Multilingual education: position and experience”.

The purpose of the seminar: Improvement of multilingual education introduced into the educational process taking into account best practices.

During the seminar, the issues of multilingual education, improving the level of English proficiency of teachers and students, certified training programs were discussed.

Colleagues from KAZGUU University shared their experience in the implementation of multilingual education.named after M. S. Narikbaev. Among them: Ibraeva A. B.-Director of the higher humanitarian school; Dauletbaeva D.-coordinator of the Department of English; Kutebaev T. Zh. – master of pedagogy and psychology, coordinator of the Psychology program.
