“Young Scientist” competition: Aigul Esentemirova on support for young scientists and grant opportunities
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A teacher of the Faculty of Arts was awarded the badge «Honorable Specialist of Kazakhstan»
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В рамках акции «Час добропорядочности» состоялась встреча с Антикоррупционной службой
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Президент Республики Казахстан Касым-Жомарт Токаев выступил с ежегодным Посланием к народу
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Knowledge Day at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography
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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the staff of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography in aniticipation of Constitution Day
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Orientation week at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography
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The administration of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography took part in the charity event «The way to school»
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An exhibition of Indonesian art was held at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography
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Chess in education under conditions of digitalization
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Kazakh National Academy of Choreography and Indonesian Institute of Arts Denpasar signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding
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An exhibition of works by Indonesian artists and photographers will be held at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography
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