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Nutrition recommendations during quarantine from the Academy’s dietitian

It is quite difficult to ensure that the child eats separately from the rest of the family, so we recommend to change the overall diet of the family in the way of healthy and balanced food. Children take most of the habits from adults, and proper nutrition is no exception. Show the right example,and the child will follow your footsteps. Instill to your child a culture of nutrition from childhood, remember that the older he gets, the more difficult it will be to monitor his diet, and the habits, since he was child, will not go away.

Everything that is given to us by nature useful for the body. Do not forget that you should regularly  eat food such as meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products, as they contain proteins necessary for the growth and development of your child. Be objective about your child and do not impose strict and harsh bans on certain products, turning to “Internet experts”, so as not to suffer from their incompetent advice. The main thing is that the child’s health is above all else. Keep in mind that you can always ask for help from a doctor and consult on nutrition issues.

The following information you need to know:

The optimal breakfast is – any milk porridge, cottage cheese dishes, egg dishes, fresh vegetables, fruits, drinks from cereal coffee, tea, cocoa.

The optimal meal should consist of a snack, first and second dish, as well as a dessert-a drink or fruit. As a snack, it is very important to give the child a dish of fresh vegetables. Fresh vegetables have a succagogue effect, so that the gastrointestinal tract is prepared for the assimilation of other, more calorific dishes. In particular, after a snack of vegetables, the digestibility of protein and other food substances significantly improves. Salads for children are filled with sour cream, vegetable oil, fruit juice. Vegetables are rich with vitamin C, folic acid, beta carotene and trace elements. Soups are better prepared on vegetable broths, as well as on milk with the addition of vegetables, cereals, and pasta. The use of bone and meat-and-bone broths is desirable 2-3 times a week. With the second course, the child should receive most of the daily allowance of meat, poultry, fish. Use vegetables, cereals, and pasta as side dishes. Fresh fruits or compotes, decoctions are used for dessert.

Brunch should be light: milk, dairy products, pastries.

An optimal dinner may include a vegetable dish, fish or poultry, cereals, cottage cheese, and fruit for dessert.

Before going to bed, we recommend a glass of kefir or other fermented milk product, which is an additional source of protein that helps speed up recovery processes. In addition, these products improve digestion and inhibit the development of pathogenic and putrid bacteria.

Just before physical activity, food should not be taken, since in these conditions the blood circulation of working muscles and their oxygen supply deteriorates. In addition, during the load, food is not fully digested due to a decrease in the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, between meals and the beginning of intensive muscle work, there should be a 1.5-2 hour break for aerobic exercise.

It is not allowed to conduct strenuous physical training in the morning on an empty stomach, since during these hours the body’s carbohydrate reserves are reduced, and this reduces performance. In order to improve performance, recovery of energy costs before morning training, it is necessary to use food restoratives, namely beverages of increased biological value (honey water, lemon water, fruit water), containing easily digestible carbohydrates, which makes it possible to quickly use their potential energy.

During training, especially intensive, there is a large loss of water by the body. Therefore, drinking after training is necessary to restore water balance. It is recommended to drink small doses of water, 100-150 ml, approximately every 15 minutes, until the thirst stops.

At the end of training, food can be taken no earlier than 15-20 minutes.

Your dietitian,

Candidate of medical sciences

Shaikenova Svetlana Karigulovna
