Contacts of admissions committees

Ryskulov conference 2022

NJSC “Narxoz University” invites scholars, doctoral students and practitioners to participate in the conference to share preliminary or final results of research. Preference is given to scientific work of an applied nature, which can influence decision-making in various fields. We believe in the importance of using data and a scientific approach in decision-making at all levels and in all areas. Public policy, private sector strategies, policies if educational institutions and everyday decisions of individuals will be more effective if they are based on a systematic examination of the facts and on the results of scientific research.

Main areas of the conference:

  1. Socio-economic development within the framework of the SDGs
  2. Creative economy and entrepreneurship
  3. Gender economics and cultural studies
  4. Digitalization and data-driven decision-making
  5. Research in education and science
  6. Research in law and public administration

Ryskulov conference 2022
