Contacts of admissions committees

The First President’s day

The solemn event dedicated to the First President’s day “Elbasy – the pride of a nation” was held on 30 November 2018 at the Academy. A video of students “Ult matakishi – Elbasy”, where sounded more poems about the President, the patriotism, the achievements of our country during the years of Independence, as well as words of congratulations were presented to the participants.
The article of the Head of state “Uly dalanyn zheti kyry” was presented and positively evaluated by the Dean of the faculty of arts Doszhan R. and the teacher of history of the school-College of vocational education Kasenova O. At the end of the event, congratulations were made by the First Vice-rector of the Academy Nusipzhanova Bibigul Nurgaliyevna.
The Kazakh dance “Shashu” performed by the Choreography faculty’s students and the song “Independent country” by Art faculty’s student Nurzhan Yesseyev were the final completion of this event.
