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The library fund replenished with books on the history of Kazakh choreography

Rare books about the history of Kazakh choreography have replenished the fund of the Academy’s library. Almaty Choreographic School named after A.V. Seleznev donated two richly illustrated books to the library of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.


One of them – the art photobook “The golden cradle of Kazakh choreography” is dedicated to the history of the legendary ballet school of Kazakhstan. It contains unique articles written by the teachers of the educational institution. It should be noted that despite the 80-year history of the school named after  A.V. Seleznev it is the first book of its kind that tells about the history of this choreographic educational institution, from the day the school was opened to the present time.


The second book is the memoirs of Ishpulya Kavkulovna Olzoeva, the oldest teacher of classical and folk stage dance of the Almaty Choreographic School named after A. V. Seleznev. The book “Memories live in me” contains unique stories of honorary teacher and are very important for all lovers of choreographic art. The memoires of Ishpulya Kavlukovna who grown up at orphanage and then became the student of A. Seleznev and A. Vaganova, describes in detail the events in her life since the 1930s.

We thank our colleagues for valuable books for our teachers and students and wish them further success in their work!
