Contacts of admissions committees

Training «Positive world. How to keep calm, when everything around goes wrong?»

May 12, teacher-psychologist of the department of educational work and social issues Ibrahim Maral Bolatkhanovna conducted an online training on the subject “Positive World. How to keep calm when everything goes wrong?” with students of College of professional education. The training was aimed at formation of positive thinking, active lifestyle, positive attitude to present and future. The objectives of the training included: the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself’s “I”, the intensification of internal resources, and transmission to positive thinking.

 «Every day cannot be good, but there is something good in every day» – Alice Morse Earle.

 The essence of positive thinking is the ability to find a reason for joy at any moment of life and to perceive failure rationally, analyzing the causes and accepting it as a valuable experience.

Positive thinking is based on the search for benefits in everything that surrounds a person. Such people do not stop after an unsuccessful attempt, trying to achieve their goal. This is the key point that distinguishes positive thinking from negative.

 This training was dedicated to acquaintance of students with advantages of positive thinking.

At the training the students learned about the impact of positive thinking on a person’s life, about how much time a person concentrates on negative thoughts per day. Students got information about the ways to transmit to positive thinking as well as what can be done in difficult moments of life so as not to lose self-control and maintain a positive attitude towards the future.

Training was very productive, it included a new information, at the end of the training the students expressed gratitude to the lecturer.
