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Work in progress – the International dialogue window

The International dialogue window

September 26, 2020 the IV edition of “The International dialogue window” online project on the subject “Work in progress” will be held in the Academy. The author of the project is a senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy Eugene Moiseev.

Kuat Mirkhamit is a Champion of Kazakhstan among adults in 10 types of dance, silver medal winner in Latin dance among adults, the choreographer at the Viva fitness & ballroom, USA.

“The International dialogue window” online project is dedicated to assist the teachers and the students studying the pedagogy of sport ballroom dance.

The authors plan to continue the project as the information provided during the event, the knowledge and the experience of colleagues, undoubtedly, will effect positively to the formation of successful choreographers in future.

Stay healthy and creative in learning the favorite profession of your life!  
