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The Alumni Association of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) is a voluntary association of graduates of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (hereinafter referred to as the “Academy”).

The main aim of establishment of the Association:
  • Consolidation of efforts of graduates directed to strengthening the prestige and international acknowledgement of the Academy;
  • Creation of interaction between the members of Association;
  • Cooperation to training of highly qualified specialists in the sphere of choreography and culture.
The subject of Association’s activity:
  • Attracting the gifted youth to the Academy;
  • Support of talented students and young teachers of the Academy;
  • Support and participation to scientific and creative programs and projects;
  • Development and strengthening of traditions of the Academy;
  • Holding the meetings;
  • Organization and development of interaction between alumni, maintenance of cultural, creative and business links with the Academy. 
To achieve these goals, the Association solves the following tasks:
  • creates a data bank about the graduates of the Academy, their professional interests and opportunities;
  • participate to the organization of meetings of alumni of the Academy;
  • contributes to the establishment of the continuity of generations of students, the teaching staff of the Academy;
  • organizes information assistance in the work on vocational guidance of youth, dual training, employment of graduates and assists in organizing recruitment to the Academy;
  • creates favorable conditions for uniting graduates of the Academy for the purpose of professional unity, exchange of experience, realization of the creative and scientific potential of the members of the Association;
  • promotes the professional training of students (“round tables”, conferences, practices, internships), as well as educational work with students, including assistance in the activities of clubs of interest, in the development of creative teams;
  • assists in the establishment of social partnership, coordination and implementation of mutual interests of business circles, authorities, educational institutions, public organizations with the Academy;
  • inform the alumni about current news of the Academy;
  • hold the research directed to study of satisfaction of alumni with the education gained in the Academy

Graduates of the Academy, regardless of the year of graduation and specialty become the members of the Association. 

The general management of the activity of the Association is carried out by the Academy Alumni Council.

The position of the Alumni Association
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