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The Academy is the only educational institution in Kazakhstan with early professionalization, which provides for the beginning of choreographic training from the primary class (according to the qualification “Ballet Artist”). The Academy school is included in the network of specialized schools of the Republican specialized educational organizations for gifted children.

The Academy implements a shortened program for ballet dancers on the basis of technical and vocational education with a training period of 3 years, dual training has been developed on the basis of the leading theaters “Astana Opera”, “Astana Ballet”.

The practice bases are 36 organizations, among them the state opera and ballet theater “Astana Opera”, the Astana Ballet Theater, the state academic philharmonic society of the akimat of Astana, the state dance theater “Naz” of the akimat of Astana and others.

There are more than 40 contracts, agreements, and memorandums of cooperation with foreign and domestic universities. Citizens of Japan, Estonia, Indonesia, Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries study at the Academy. Every year the geography of countries expands. The Academy is the regional coordinator of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs for the city of Astana.

The Academy has international institutional and specialized accreditation of educational programs of the university, state certification of the school-college of vocational education. 

In 2019, the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography took 2nd place in the ranking of the best creative universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Starting from 2021, the Academy issues its own diploma.

Starting from the 2021-2022 academic year, a double-diploma bachelor’s program “Pedagogy of Choreographic Art” is being implemented with the Kazan State Institute of Culture.

In 2022, a Dissertation Council was created in the field of personnel training “Art”.

Since 2018, it has become a tradition to hold on the basis of the Academy the international ballet festival “Temps lie”, an international competition of young choreographers, the Republican Kazakh Dance Competition named after. Balls Zhienkulova, Republican competition of Kazakh male solo dance named after. Dauren Abirov.

Every year there is a dynamic increase in the number of prize-winners and laureates of Republican and international competitions. The Academy’s repertoire includes 2 full-fledged ballet performances “The Nutcracker” and “The Romance of the Rosebud and the Moth”.

In 2022, the Academy’s ballet performance “The Romance of the Rosebud and the Moth” received a nomination for the UMAI National Award - “Best Children’s Performance”. Every year, Academy students take part in performances of the leading theaters “Astana Opera” and “Astana Ballet”.

The Kazakh National Academy of Choreography is the largest educational institution not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout Central Asia. It is designed to create an ideal environment for the ballet art of Kazakhstan, combining adherence to the classical tradition and the courage of experiment.

Mission,Vision,Core values
Mission and Vision

The Kazakh National Academy of Choreography is an international educational scientific and creative center for creative innovation, transmitting the best practices of world choreographic art and professional education, combining classical and national heritage in the context of the creative diversity of cultures.

Core values

– integration of world classic ballet heritage under new choreographic school;
– preservation and development of kazakh folk dance;
– promotion and popularization of Academy’s creative achievements at the domestic and international level;
– priority of the national cultural heritage, which determines the identity and national identity of the national culture in the global world;
– respect for the cultural diversity of the country, support and development of the culture and traditions of multi-ethnic Kazakhstan;
– freedom of creative personality and forms of cultural expression;
– recognition of culture and art as a growth factor and a powerful resource for socio-economic development;
– partnership based on new institutional associations, modern cultural clusters and advanced technologies.

Academic policy

The RSE at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography implements the training of specialists in higher and postgraduate education programs based on credit education technology, which helps ensure the continuity of educational levels, improve the quality of education, and academic mobility of students and teachers.

  The academic policy of the RSE at the RPE “Kazakh National Academy of Choreography” (hereinafter referred to as the Academic Policy) includes the Academy’s policy in the field of quality assurance, the policy of admission and formation of the contingent, the main provisions of the organization of the educational process in credit technology, the rules for the development of modular educational programs, the registration procedure students studying academic disciplines and forming an individual educational trajectory; rules for conducting ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and final certification of students; organizing all types of internship for students; rules for transfer and reinstatement of students; rules of academic honesty, etc.

Academic policy is intended for students, teaching staff, heads of structural divisions of the Academy that organize the educational process, and other interested parties.