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The first day of the VI Republican Kazakh Dance Contest named after Shara Zhienkulova has come to an end

**The first day of the VI Republican Kazakh Dance Competition named after Shara Zhienkulova ended on the stage of Astana Ballet Theater.

The opening began with a welcoming speech of the Rector of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Knight of the Order "Kurmet", Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Bibigul Nusipzhanova Nusipzhanova. In her speech Bibigul Nusipzhanova wished the talented participants good luck and conquering new professional heights. She also expressed her gratitude to the jury members and invited guests of the event.

Then, in a solemn atmosphere, the draw of lots of participants took place, according to the results of which the order of performance of teams and soloists became known. At the first round of the contest participants presented Kazakh traditional dance to the jury. In the second round they will show Kazakh stylized dance.

The authoritative jury faces a difficult task. This year 34 applications for participation in the dance forum were accepted. Among the participants are 19 ensembles and 15 soloists and duets from all regions of Kazakhstan.

The second day of the competition will continue with the presentation of a unique photo album dedicated to Shara Zhienkulova: the book contains rare photos of the great dancer, and QR codes will allow to reproduce videos of dances staged at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography from 2016 to 2022.

Also, the program of the second day of the competition included master classes by Anvara Sadykova and Almat Shamshiev, lectures by followers of Sh. Zhienkulova's creativity - famous teachers and scientists K.N. Beisenova and T.O. Izim.

For the first time the competition named after Shara Zhienkulova was held in 1992 on the basis of Almaty Choreographic School named after A.V. Seleznev, II and III competitions were held by West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov in 1992. M. Utemisov in Uralsk (2001, 2006), and in 2012, the competition was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Shara Zhienkulova and was organized by the Kazakh National University of Arts. The founder and organizer of the V Republican Kazakh Dance Competition named after Shara Zhienkulova is the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.