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On April 11, within the framework of the annual Science Week, the Small Tribune of the Academy was held in two sections. In the first section entitled "Science of the young" were the second-year master's students. In the second section "Art without borders" the participants were students of our Academy, Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, as well as students participating in the program of academic exchange with the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts.

It would be desirable to note that in the first section the master students distinguished themselves by the choice of topics and depth of study of scientific researches. Most of the speakers connected their scientific interest with their personal professional experience.

Each presentation deserved special attention of the jury: high culture of speech and presentation design was noted.

Upon completion, the competition committee awarded the speakers with prizes: 1st place - Tatiana Ten for her report "Allegro. Variative context of teaching methods and techniques in modern ballet school"; 2nd place was shared by Bukharbaev Arman - "Kүy - rock stilindegі musicaldің negizі: Damu tendencies" and Daribaev Meir - "Features of management of Kazakhstan musical show-business (on the example of pop-industry"); 3rd place - Dauletkalieva Raushan topic of the report "Digitallandyru dauirinde museum communicationalyaryn kalyptastiru zhane damytu ("Kazakhstan Republicsy Balttyk museumi usalynda").

7 reports were presented at the section "Art without Borders". All reports demonstrated a deep immersion in the problems and professional interest of young researchers.

The best reports of the Science Week-2023 will be included in the collection of articles of the international scientific-practical conference "Ұлы dalanyң ұлы tulғalary".