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Chess in education under conditions of digitalization

Kazakhstan Chess Federation (hereinafter - the Federation) within the framework of the annual republican August conference with the purpose of popularization of chess in the education system invites to the International conference “Chess in education in the conditions of digitalization”. To date, one of the priorities of the Federation is the introduction of chess in schools and its popularization among young citizens of our country. As part of this direction, together with the Ministry of Education, a number of systemic measures are being implemented, including the “Comprehensive Chess Development Plan for 2023-2027”.

Within the framework of the first direction of the Plan “Development of chess in education” until 2027 it is planned to gradually introduce chess in grades 1-4 of general education schools at the expense of hours of the variable component of the curriculum in 1400 schools (connection of at least 350 schools annually), as well as training of at least 250 chess teachers.

Conference speakers: Jerry Nash, Chairman of the FIDE “Chess in education” Commission (Jerry Nash, USA); Leontxo Garcia, Senior Advisor of the FIDE “Chess in education” Commission (Leontxo Garcia, Spain); Rita Atkins, Secretary of the FIDE “Chess in education” Commission (Rita Atkins, Hungary) and others. The experts will share their experience of introducing chess in schools, talk about the results of research, and hold master classes for participants.