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Dancing with celebrities

The creative project "Dancing with the Stars" was held in the walls of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography. Six star couples competed for the title of the best. The participants presented various dance directions to the jury, from classical waltz to fiery Latin American dances. Director of Educational Work and Social Development, Professor of Pedagogy Department A.T. Alisheva; Associate Professor, Doctor of PhD B.K. Saktaganov and graduate of "Pedagogy of Sports Ballroom Dance" M. Amanbaev evaluated the professionalism of the performing couples. The dance was evaluated on 5 criteria: technique, musicality, artistry, image and originality. Results of the project "Dancing with the Stars":

  • 1st place, David Kompanets and Arai Ruslanova, "Fire Vortex" Pasodoble;
  • 2nd place, Isaev Dias and Kabyldanova Aizhan, "When you smile?" Quickstep;
  • 3rd place, Sysoenkov Ilya and Ashirbekova Dilarum, "Marjanja" Samba;
  • 4th place, Kenes Aida and Koblikov Denis, "Girl from a Dream" Slow Foxtrot;
  • 5th place, Akulenko Angelina Amanzhol Nurkeldy, "Love Inspiration and Music" Slow Waltz;
  • 6th place, Segizbaeva Anelya and Aimanbetov "Cinderella" Viennese Waltz.

According to the organizer Evgeny Moiseyev, such dance projects are necessary to reveal creative potential and develop charisma in students, as well as they instill teamwork skills. It is worth noting that all participants are students of the Faculty of Choreography of the OP "Pedagogy of sports ballroom dance" and the Faculty of "Arts" Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.