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The dedication of the first year students took place in the Kazakh National Academy!

For most universities, student initiation is a mandatory ritual that all first-year students undergo. In some universities this event is timed to coincide with the beginning of the academic year and is held right on September 1, the Day of Knowledge. In others, freshmen are given a little time to get used to their new place, and the initiation is postponed. So in the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography the initiation is traditionally held in November.

Alila Alisheva, Director of Educational Work and Social Development, made a welcoming speech. In her speech, she noted that each child upon entering the Academy is a rough diamond, which our teachers will have to turn into a diamond. A lot of new information awaits the children, which will have to be transformed into knowledge and skills. It is worth noting that the teaching staff of the university consists of highly qualified specialists in the field, who will help to reveal the creative potential of each entrant.

In the current year, 53 students entered the faculties of choreography and arts. Bachelor's degree includes 6 specialties, they are art management, art history, pedagogy of sports ballroom dance, pedagogy of choreographic art, pedagogy of choreographic art double degree education and ballet mastering.

Dean of the Faculty of Choreography, Aitolkyn Turginbaeva:

To enter the faculty of choreography students need appropriate education, professionalism and, of course, desire and discipline, which are the key to success in our field. If schools produce professional performers, we as a university produce teachers and ballet masters.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Rayhan Doszhan:

Every year the number of those wishing to enter our faculty increases. For example, in the specialty of art management competitions are big, there are more than 5 applicants for one place. Today's first-year students managed to pass through two stages of selection, which proves their desire to achieve success in this direction.

Everything continued with a traditional concert with creative numbers.