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Forum dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first Kazakh ballet master Dauren Abirov was held in "Almaty Theater"

On the first day a scientific conference was held, where about 20 people made their reports. Also master classes on Kazakh dance were shown. The leading teacher of Kazakh dance Gainikamal Beisenova, demonstrated to the audience the basic elements of the school of Dauren Abirov.

On behalf of the Kazakh National Academy with reports were made by Izim Toygan and Gulnara Jumaseitova. Each report was supported by master classes. On the stage of "Almaty Theater" under the direction of Anvara Sadykova and Almat Shamshiev, students of the Academy presented to the audience three unfolding etudes, dedicated to male, female and paired dance.

The Forum is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first Kazakh professional ballet master, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR Dauren Abirov and is aimed at popularizing his work in Kazakhstan, as well as identifying and developing the creative potential of gifted young people.

The Forum continued with a grand gala concert. On this day on the stage performed, all famous creative collectives of the country, famous artists of ballet and opera theaters and talented students studying in specialized universities of Kazakhstan. In turn, pupils of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography presented to the audience four productions: "Balbyrauyn", "Zholbarys zhurek", "Korkyt" and "Shabyt". The event was organized by the Union of Choreographers of Kazakhstan.