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A magical fairy tale

Students of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography will perform at the Astana Ballet in the New Year's performance "The Nutcracker".

Pyotr Tchaikovsky's fairytale ballet "The Nutcracker" with bright and expressive choreography by Vasily Vainonen, directed by People's Artist of Russia Altynai Asylmuratova, is another successful project of cooperation between Astana Ballet and the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, where the outstanding choreographer of our time is the Artistic Director.

"The Nutcracker" is one of the famous magical stories that has gained worldwide fame and has become a traditional symbol of Christmas and New Year holidays. This fairy tale story is about Masha - a tender girl with a brave and loving heart, who managed to return the Nutcracker to its real appearance. Interesting and, most importantly, kind plot of the ballet performance "The Nutcracker" will not leave indifferent both young and adult spectators, assures Gulnar Aliyeva, Head of the Concert Activity Department of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.

  • We have young children who only yesterday began professional training at the Academy of Choreography and are already eager to be part of the performance, but they lack the necessary experience. At first we put them under the Christmas tree as puppets, and on stage they already watch the events unfold. Older children perform the roles of soldiers, mice, as well as solo parts of little Masha, the Mouse King. This strongly motivates students to further study, they begin to understand the meaning of daily painstaking work in the hall, are infected with the magical atmosphere of the theater. The value of "The Nutcracker" by Vasily Vainonen for students is that there are parts for different ages in the play, in the process of eight years of training students go from a puppet sitting under the Christmas tree to complex parts of Snowflakes, Pink Waltz and main characters, - says Gulnar Aliyeva.

Every year the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography prepares from two to three compositions of students to participate in "The Nutcracker", which is about 200 pupils who are involved in three acts of the performance.

  • We try to produce all the children who can cope with the performance of dances, so that they gain experience of going on stage. That is why we prepare such a large number of participants. Everyone is worried without exception: both children and teachers, because they are mostly responsible to the audience, who came to the theater to plunge into the world of fairy tales, - continues Gulnar Aliyeva.

This year "The Nutcracker" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky is 131 years old. The ballet was first performed in December 1892 on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. But on the stage of the Astana Ballet Theater, "The Nutcracker" was presented to the Kazakh audience in 2017 and has become a New Year's tradition, with the annual participation of pupils of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.

To see the fairy-tale extravaganza "The Nutcracker" in the theater "Astana Ballet" connoisseurs of the art of ballet will be able from December 25 to 31.
