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The National Games were held at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography!

National games in all times and epochs had a great social significance for the people of Kazakhstan. All of them emerged in ancient times and in their development passed a number of successively changing forms, which corresponded to the relations within the established society and economic activity of the family.

All without exception amusements and national games of Kazakhstan have always fulfilled social tasks: educational, military-sports, entertainment and aesthetic, communicative and other. Competitive character promotes development of youth strength, agility and endurance, education of bravery, courage and other properties necessary in life, shared the head of the department of educational work and social issues, Sagynysh Sultanova.

The purpose of the national games is to familiarize with the traditions, history, culture and sports games of the Kazakh people. The sporting event was attended by 5th grade students of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.

Games were held on 6 kinds of sports competitions: "Kazaksha kүres", "Asyk atu", "Lәңгі тебу", "Тоғыз құмалық", "қоl kүres", "Arқan Tartyс".

According to the results of the national games lasted about two hours, the winners were:

  • Irgenay Maulen 5A class, first place "Asyk atu"
  • Sheraly Zhaisan 5B class, first place "Kool Kures"
  • Zhusupov Timur 5B class, first place "Kazaksha Kures"
  • Sultan Esmanur 5A class, first place "Togyz Kumalyk".

The winners were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.