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Republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of D. Abirov was held at the Academy

On November 3, 2023, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the outstanding choreographer and performer of Kazakh dance Dauren Abirov, a scientific conference was held at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography. The event attracted public attention and became a real celebration dedicated to the life and work of the famous artist. The conference brought together art historians, choreographers and professional dancers from Kazakhstan and abroad. The participants of the conference shared their research and publications related to the work of Dauren Abirov.

At the beginning of the conference participants were presented an exhibition of unique photographs reflecting the creative life of Dauren Abirov. The exhibition was curated by senior lecturer Anvara Aripovna Sadykova. The inspirational lecture allowed each participant of the event to penetrate the atmosphere of creativity of the twentieth century, to understand the scale of Dauren Abirov's activity.

Undoubtedly, the main event of the evening was the presentation of several books related to the name of the jubilee. The presentation of the book "Dauren Abirov - the first ballet master of Kazakhstan", which was written in co-authorship of T.O. Izim and D.T. Abirov's daughter Kamily Abirova, took place. Also K.D. Abirova donated to the library of the Academy re-published by her book Dauren Tastanbekovich "Balabakshalarga arnalgaan biler". At the same event the guest of the conference K.D. Aitkalieva donated to the library her monograph "Kazak choreographyasyң koshbashbashysyesy Dauren Әbirov".

The plenary session of the conference was opened with a congratulatory speech by the Rector of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Professor Nusipzhanova Bibigul Nurgalievna, and also greeted the guests People's Artist of Kazakhstan Talpakova GI.

Dauren Abirov's daughter K.D. Abirov took part in the event as an invited guest and shared archival footage from the life of D. Abirov.

The main speakers of the plenary session were: candidate of art history, excellent cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.D. Aytkalieva, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.J. Klyshbaev, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the best worker of education T. Bakhtybaev, professor of the Academy T.O. Izim, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of art history A.K. Kulbekova, doctoral student of the Academy A.Shamshiev.

The speakers, in their reports considered the methodology of national choreography in the context of D. Abirov and reflected the stages of his creative activity.

In continuation of the conference was held an event in the favorite format Science café, where the conference participants continued a lively dialog on the topic "Kytaidagy kazak bi ogneri", the speaker was a teacher of the Academy of Arts of Xinjiang Қаатайдағы қаzak bi ogneri. Xinjiang Kaster Shaimurat. In his speech he familiarized with his own research of Kazakh dance, showed his vision of the development of Kazakh national dance in China and Kazakhstan.

The organizers express their sincere gratitude to all participants of the conference!