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SCIENCE CAFÉ: Defense of projects on the theme "ALZHIR"

On October 20, representatives of the student scientific community of the Academy visited the museum-memorial complex of victims of political repression and totalitarianism "ALZHIR". The students shared that during the tour of the museum they learned about the hard fate of the prisoners of "ALZHIR". Inspecting exhibits, warden's equipment and models of barracks, they clearly saw the conditions in which the prisoners lived.

According to official documents, most of the prisoners were wives of famous state, political and public figures persecuted for political reasons, whose husbands were acquitted only decades later. Students in their projects told about the fates of women whose names are widely known throughout the post-Soviet space: Aziza Ryskulova and her mother Arifa Yesengulova, Damesh Zhurgeneva, Rabiga Asfendiyarova, Guljamal Mailina, Gulyandam Hodzhanova, writer Galina Serebriakova, wives of writers Boris Pilnyak, mothers of Bulat Okudzhava and Maya Plisetskaya, etc.

"ALZHIR" will forever remain a mute witness to the human tragedy of the XX century, and its prisoners will be remembered forever. I believe that to convey the true story of the past is our duty to the younger generation, said Zhanara Myrzabaeva, one of the organizers of the student scientific community Science café.

A total of 6 projects were submitted to the jury. Each work was evaluated on two criteria: content and originality. The results of Science café activities will be summarized by the end of 2023.