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Seminar with Nigar Shakhmuradova, doctoral student of the Academy

Today, on September 15, a seminar of doctoral students was held in the Academy.

The speaker at the seminar was Shahmuradova Nigar Oktay gizi - doctoral student of the 2nd year of study of the educational program "Choreography" of the Academy.

The theme of the speech was "Axiological aspect in one-act Azerbaijani national ballets of 1960-70 years".

During the seminar the questions of the system of values transmitted by means of one-act ballets created in 60-70 years in Azerbaijan were touched upon. Elements of folk dance plasticity intertwined with classical choreography; genre, stylistic and semantic features through which the ideas of enduring values reach the listener-viewer were noted. The one-act ballets "Mugham" by N.Aliverdibekov staged by R.Akhundova and M.Mamedov, "Shadows of Gobystan" by F.Karayev, also staged by R.Akhundova and M.Mamedov, "Leili and Majnun" by K.Karayev and "Tale of Nasimi" by F.Amirov staged by choreographer N.Nazirova were considered.

The seminar was attended by doctoral students, master students and teaching staff of the Academy.

Shahmuradova Nigar Oktay gizi - Honored Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan, soloist of the Azerbaijan State Song and Dance Ensemble named after Fikret Amirov, choreographer of the Azerbaijan State Academic Musical Theater, teacher of the Folk and Stage Dance Department of the Baku Academy of Choreography.