Contacts of admissions committees

Video screenings are held for students of choreographic educational institutions wishing to continue their studies at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) in the specialty “Choreographic Art” qualification “Ballet Dancer”.

One who has successfully passed the video viewing are invited to the Academy (Astana city) for qualifying screenings in order to assess the possibility of transfer if there are budget places.

Applicants should make a video material according to the following instructions and send it to an e-mail address: In the letter, it is necessary to specify the student’s full name, age, height and weight, school grade, language of study, place of education. The reply will be sent within 2-3 weeks.

Exercises at the bar:

  1. Demi plies, grand plies;
  2. Battements tendus;
  3. Battements tendus jetes;
  4. Rond de jambe par terre;
  5. Battements fondus;
  6. Adagio;
  7. Grands battements jetes. 

 Exercises in the middle of the hall:

  1. Temps lie на 90 (back and forth);
  2. Battemets tendus + pirouettes;
  3. Grands battements jetes;
  4. Tours in big poses.


  1. Pas eshappe;
  2. Pas assemble;
  3. Sissonne ouverte;
  4. Grand pas assemble;
  5. Grand pas jetes.

 Pointe shoes exercises (for women classes):

  1. Pas echappe;
  2. Sissonne ouverte;
  3. Grand fouette (different kinds);
  4. Pirouettes en dehors et en dedans (diagonals), tours.


