Alihanova Alima – 2nd year student of college, qualification «artist ballet» – diploma of the winner in the nominatation “Choreography”
Бақытбек Зере Даниярқызы - Диплом І степени
Әлімғожа Арслан Асхатұлы - Диплом І степени
Обучающиеся 3-го класса, руководитель Сокольская А.А. (15 человек) - Гран При
Команда «НҰРА САҚШЫЛАРЫ» - 2 место
Тұрарова Арайлым
Торайғыр Амина
Ерланқызы Назерке
Бекназар Сүндет
Султанбек Бақдаулет
Студенты Академии - 8 студентов - 1 место
Матмурадов Атамурат - 3 место
Обучающиеся 4-го класса. Руководитель Умбеткулова З. (15 человек) - Гран-при
Әмірбеков Рүстем Мейрамбекұлы - 1 место
Алан Мухтар - 2 место
Торғын Лебен Дәуренқызы - 1 место
Митрофанова Дарья Витальевна - 2 место
Риахан Айганым Шыңғысқызы - 1 место
Риахан Айганым Шыңғысқызы - 1 место
Riakhan Ayganym - 1st-year student - Faculty of Choreography - 3rd place
Riakhan Ayganym - 1st-year student - Faculty of Choreography - 1st place
Riakhan Ayganym - 1st-year student - Faculty of Choreography -1st and 3rd places
Amirbekov Rustam - 1st-year student - Faculty of Choreography - 1st place
Category: "Stars of the South of Russia Youth + Adults Latin"
Karev Rustam - 2nd-year master's student, Faculty of Choreography - 2nd place
Strusinskaya Milana - 1st-year student and Sakenova Saniya - 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography - 1st place
1. Moldakhmet Ghaziza Baurzhanovna - Grand Prix, 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography.
2. Aydarkhanqyzy Inkar - 2nd place, 1st-year master's student in the educational program - Choreography.
1. Kenes Aida, 4th-year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 3rd place, youth + adult category in the LA program.
2. Omarov Rinat, 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 3rd place, youth + adult category in the LA program.
3. Kenes Aida, 4th-year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place, youth + adult category in the Open Cup for single Rumba.
4. Omarov Rinat, 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place, youth + adult category in the Open Cup for single Jive.
Muratbekov Diyar - Grand Prix (diploma and 300 thousand tenge), 2nd year AB.
Amirbekov Rustem - 1st place (diploma and 200 thousand tenge), 1st year BI.
Category: "Stars of the South of Russia Youth + Adults Latin"
1. Karev Rustam - 2nd year graduate student, Faculty of Choreography - 2nd place.
2. Belokryl'tsev Kirill - 1st year student of PSBD, Faculty of Choreography - 4th place.
Omarov Rinat and Kenes Aida, students of the 3rd and 4th year of PSBD, Faculty of Choreography, took 3rd place.
Baimukan Amina - laureate of the 3rd degree, student of the vocational school-college.
Category: «WDSF International Open LA»
Rustam Karev - 2nd place, student of the 2nd year of master's degree, Faculty of Choreography.
Category: «WDSF International Open ST»
Aiganym Riyakhan - 2nd place, student of the 1st year of PSBD, Faculty of Choreography.
Category: «WDSF International Open LA»
Aiganym Riyakhan - 4th place, student of the 1st year of PSBD, Faculty of Choreography.
Strusinskaya Milana - 1st year student and Sakenova Saniya - 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography - 1st place, duet.
Strusinskaya Milana - 1st year student, and Sakenova Saniya - 2nd year student, Faculty of Choreography - 1st place.
Zhanabil Ademi – 1st year college student – 2nd place (junior group)
Aubakir Alikhan – 1st year college student – 3rd place (junior group)
Риахан Айганым - 1 курс ПСБТ - 1 место
Риахан Айганым - 1 курс ПСБТ - 3 место
Цихлер Данил - 3 курс ПСБТ - 1, 2 место.
Акуленко Ангелина - 2 курс ПСБТ - 2, 3 место
Риахан Айганым - 1 курс ПСБТ - 1, 2 место
Каусова Камила - 3 курс БИ - 2 место
Сегізбаева Шамшырак - 3 курс БИ - 2 место
Ильичев Артем - 2 курс ПСБТ - 3 место
Цихлер Данил - 3 курс ПСБТ - 2 место
Кенес Аида - 3 курса ПСБТ - 1 место
Инкар Айдарханкызы - Магистрант Хореография 1 курс - две золотые медали и звание лауреата І премии в номинации «Народный танец».
Анель Жумадильдина - 4 курс ПХИ - II премию и звание лауреата в номинации «Хореограф»
Цихлер Данил 3 курса ПСБТ - 1 место
Акуленко Ангелина - 2го курса ПСБТ - 3 место
Серикказина Акбаян - 3 курс ПХИ - лауреат I степени
Серикказина Акбаян 3 курс ПХИ - 2 место
Серикказина Акбаян - 3 курс ПХИ - 1 место
Серикказина Акбаян - 3 курс ПХИ - лауреат I степени
Аубакирова Диана - 2 курс ПХИ - лауреат I, II, III степени
Сабиева Диана - 2 курс ПХИ - лауреат I степени
Аманғазы Ләззат - 2 курс Арт-менеджмент - 2 место
Аманғазы Ләззат - 2 курс Арт-менеджмент - 2 место
Ибышева Аяулым Дархановна - диплом 3 степени
Дуэт Умарбекова Латифа Чингизовна/ преподаватель Бданова А.С. - диплом 2 степени
Медетхан Ади Сұңқарұлы - диплом 2 степени
Жумадилдина Анель Жумадильдақызы - Гран-При
Жумадилдина Анель Жумадильдақызы - лауреат IIІ премии
Команда «Academy Stars», 4 студента факультета хореографии - 1 место
Дуйсенбиева Малия Ардаққызы - диплом 1 степени
Русланқызы Әмина - лауреат 2 степени
Smagulova Akkanat – 3rd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 3rd place in the “Solo dance” nomination
Dias Issaev –1st year student of the Faculty of Choreography –1st place.
Dias Isaev - a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 2nd and 3rd place
Zhigarev Vladislav - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 1st place
Zhigarev Vladislav - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 2nd place
Tsykhler Danil - a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 1st and 2nd place
Akulenko Angelina - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 1st and 2nd place.
Karev Rustam - a 1st-year master's student of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 1st place
Karev Rustam - a 1st-year master's student of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 1st place
Omarov Rinat and Kenes Aida, 2nd and 3rd-year students of the Faculty of Choreography, PSBD - 4th place
Adamzhan Bakhtiyar - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography
Adephan Shugyla - a 1st-year master's student, Faculty of Choreography
Adephan Shugyla - a 1st-year master's student, Faculty of Choreography
Rakhmatullaev Erkin - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography
Rakhmatullaev Erkin - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography
Kisembaeva Amina - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography
Limara Aidarova - a 1st-year student of the Faculty of Choreography
Rustam Chakhalov - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography.
Akkana Smagulova - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography
Inkar Aidarkhankyzy - 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Choreography
Mixed Format
Nomination: "Sports Ballroom Dancing"
1st place: Madi Amanbayev (Kazakh National Academy of Choreography)
2nd place: Nuraleem Daniyarbekov (Kazakh National Academy of Choreography)
1. Merеi Tuyakbayeva - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
2. Dariya Turchekenova - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
3. Alisa Telemisova - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
4. Dalila Iskakova - 3rd year student of the AAT
5. Gaziza Moldakhmet - 3rd year student of the AAT
6. Danel Zhumagazina - 3rd year student of the AAT
7. Kamila Sadenova - 3rd year student of the AAT
8. Kamila Shkibaeva - 3rd year student of the AAT
9. Aruzhan Murat - 2nd year college student, qualification «Dance Ensemble Artist»
10. Anel Bolat - 2nd year college student, qualification «Dance Ensemble Artist»
11. Ersultan Toigulov - 3rd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
12. Diar Muratbekov - 1st year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
13. Khanbolat Rahimgulov - 2nd year college student, qualification «Dance Ensemble Artist»
14. Abay Yusupov - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
15. Abyrlan Amanzhol - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
16. Serzhan Sergaliuly - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
17. Alibek Orynbasarov - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
18. Nurlan Ruslan - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
19. Rasul Zhumabekov - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
20. Islam Zhamanov - 2nd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
1. Toigulov Yersultan, 3rd year college student, qualification «Ballet Artist»
2. Iskandirov Alibi, 2nd year college student, qualification «Dance Ensemble Artist»
1. Aidarkhankyzy Inkar - 3rd year student of the «Choreography» faculty.
Nominations - classical dance
Senior group
Iminov Akbar - 1st degree laureate
Special prize "Best Performer" - Sary Kusherbayeva Prize
Special prize from Adam and Gulnara Adamova
Baibolova Yasmin - 3rd degree laureate
Saparbek Eldar - diploma recipient
Middle group
Leben Torgyn - 1st degree laureate
Special prize "Best Performer" - Sary Kusherbayeva Prize
Zhanabil Ademi - 2nd place
Aubakir Alihan - 2nd place
Taubayev Margulan - 2nd place
Mitrofanova Daria - 3rd place
Amirkhan Aliya - diploma recipient
Junior group
Ospanov Nurislam - 3rd place
Audience Choice Award
Nomination: "Folk Stage Dance"
Moldakhmet Gaziza - 2nd place
Dauran Abirov Prize for "Best Performance of Kazakh Dance"
Category: Adult Standard
- Vladislav Zhigarev, 1st year - 6th place
International festival "Silk Way Dance Festival"
Category: Adult Latin
- Zhanna Naurazbayeva, 1st year master's student - 4th place
II Competition for the Best Performance of Works by Kazakhstani Composers among Students of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography
Junior Group - 22 students of the school
Senior Group - 8 college students
Grand Prix:
Palaguta Arina (student of teacher Nurpeisova A.E.)
Junior Group:
1st place - Ermukhambet Asemay (5th grade, teacher Esirkepova Sh.T.)
2nd place - Ruslanqyzy Amina (6th grade, teacher Bikenova A.S.)
3rd place - Duzelbay Alima (7th grade, teacher Aminova G.B.)
Najimova Aidana (6th grade, teacher Ramazan M.S.)
Senior Group:
1st place - Mukhtarova Sabina (2nd year AAT, teacher Bikenova A.S.)
3rd place - Khussainova Diana (2nd year AAT, teacher Nurpeisova N.G.)
3rd International Piano Competition «Grand Piano». Italy-Kazakhstan.
- 2nd degree Laureates Bakhtiyar Baqnu and Moldabek Inzhu (piano ensemble)
- 2nd degree Laureate Almagambetova Vanessa (piano ensemble)
- 3rd degree Laureates Kuzdeuova Amina and Burov Amir (piano ensemble)
- 3rd degree Laureates Abyzbay Daniyal, Qulan Erasyl, and Du Yufei (piano ensemble)
- 3rd degree Laureates Medetkhan Nurlan and Yesengali Bekarys (piano ensemble)
2nd International Arts Competition «Grand Viktoria». UK-Kazakhstan.
- 3rd degree Laureate Ermukhanbet Asemay
3rd International Classical Music Competition «Grande Mozart». Austria-Kazakhstan.
- 1st degree Laureate Temirbekova Layan
Karev Rustam – 4th year student of the Faculty of Choreography – two first places
Tsichler Danil – 1st year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st and 3rd places
Aydarkhankyzy Inkar – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place
Omarov Rinat and Kenes Aida – 2nd and 1st year students of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place
Karev Rustam and Naurazbayeva Zhanna – 4th year students of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place
Musaifov Madiyar – 4th year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place
1. Aydarkhankyzy Inkar – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place in the nomination “Folk Dance”
2. Gumar Sultanbek – 3rd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place in the “Media” nomination
3. Atabaeva Galiya, Sembekova Aidana, Batkhan Ali, Sultanbai Arman, Dana Nurlangyzy – students of the specialty “Art Management”, Arman Serikbay – 3rd year student of the specialty “Ballet Mastery”, Arman Bukharbayev – Master’s student of the specialty “Art History” – 1st place in the nomination “Theatre”.
1. Karev Rustam – 4th year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place
2. Naurazbayeva Zhanna – 4th year students of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place
Smagulova Akkanat – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – Grand Prix in the nomination “Folk Dance”
Karev Rustam and Naurazbayeva Zhanna – 4th year students of the Faculty of Choreography – 3rd place
Aydarkhankyzy Inkar – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography –1st place in the nomination «Choreography»
Omarov Rinat and Kenes Aida – 2nd and 1st year students of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place.
Aydarkhankyzy Inkar – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – Grand Prix
Karev Rustam – 4th year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place
1. Amanbaev Madi – 3rd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place (duet)
2. Serikbay Arman – 3rd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place
3. Bolatkhan Muratkhan – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography –2nd place (solo)
4. Segizbaeva Shamshyrak – 1st year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 3rd places
1. Karev Rustam – 4th year students of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st place
2. Kenes Aida –1st year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place
3. Omarov Rinat – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place
Tsichler Danil – 1st year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st and 2nd places
1. Arman Serikbay – 3rd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 1st prize.
2. Voinkova Anastasiya – 3rd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd prize.
1. Kenes Aida –1st year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place
2. Omarov Rinat – 2nd year student of the Faculty of Choreography – 2nd place
1. Naurazbayeva Zhanna – 4th year students of the Faculty of Choreography – two first places
2. Musaifov Madiyar – 4th year student of the Faculty of Choreography – two first places
Naurazbayeva Zhanna, Musaifov Madiyar – 4th year student of the Faculty of Choreography –2nd and 3rd places
Naurazbayeva Zhanna, Musaifov Madiyar – 4th year student of the Faculty of Choreography –2nd place
1. Leben Torgyn – 8th class (grade) student of school-college of professional education – gold medal
2. Zhanabil Ademi – 8th class (grade) student of school-college of professional education – silver medal
3. Mitrofanova Darya – 8th class (grade) student of school-college of professional education – bronze medal
Alihanova Alima – 2nd year student of college, qualification «artist ballet» – diploma of the winner in the nominatation “Choreography”