RSE on REM “Kazakh National Academy of Choreography” of the MCS RK implements the basic educational program of primary education within the framework of the State educational standard approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of state compulsory standards of education at all levels of education” dated October 31, 2018 №604. Education at the Academy is structured in such a way that training in the Art of ballet begins at the age of 6-7 (a pre-professional program of the Art of choreography) at the lessons of ballet gymnastics, musical dance, rhythmics, and rhythmic gymnastics. All these prepare and form both the consciousness and the body of young talents for the conscious choice of the profession of a ballet dancer and a dancer of the ensemble.
The primary school program provides the full and secondary development of the personality of a child at the stage of primary school, the formation of a sustainable desire for learning, the development of skills and abilities to learn and, develop creative potential.
This section exists only for you if your child has chosen the profession of a ballet dancer.
We inform you that:
For questions about providing a place in the residential block, please call 8/7172/798 572
For social assistance, please call 8/7172/798 578
For registration for foreign citizens, please call 8/7172/790 855
The schedule of classes, as well as the student’s success in general education disciplines, you can check on the website
You can check the progress of children in specialized disciplines on the website
We hope that the given information will help you support your child in their progress towards success!