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The Academy of Choreography is the first higher education institution in Central Asia with a full cycle of educational program in choreography, including elementary school, college, bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. The main mission of the Academy is to revitalize national traditions and integrate Kazakh culture with the realities of world ballet development. Since its opening, our priority task is to train talented ballet dancers who will glorify Kazakhstan all over the world and to form a new national brand of Kazakhstan in ballet art.


Pupils are enrolled in a specialized school in the arts from 1-4 grade. The full cycle of general education disciplines is conducted, instead of PE, daily classes are held in special disciplines with pre-professional preparation of choreographic art.


From the 5th grade, admission to the school-college of professional education in the specialty «Choreographic Arts» qualification «Ballet Artist», the duration of training is 7 years 10 months. There is also a reception after the 9th grade on specialty «Choreographic Art» of qualification «Artist of Dance Ensemble», for a period of 2 years 10 months.

Bachelor's degree

Bachelor's degree - higher education aimed at training personnel with the award of the degree "Bachelor" in the direction of Art. The main term of study is 4 years.

The Academy provides training in three groups of educational programs: Art Management, Art History and Choreography.

The group of educational programs Choreography consists of educational programs: Pedagogy of Choreographic Art (by forms of training), Pedagogy of Sports Ballroom Dance, Ballet Mastering.

Master's degree

Master's degree is a postgraduate education aimed at training personnel with the award of the degree "Master". Persons who have mastered educational programs of higher education (with a bachelor's degree) in the direction of Art are admitted to the Master's program. The main term of study is 2 years.

At the level of Master's degree the Academy provides training in three groups of educational programs of scientific and pedagogical direction: Choreography, Art History, Art Management.

For the group of educational programs Art Management training is carried out in two directions: scientific-pedagogical (study period of 2 years) and profile (study period of 1 year).

Doctoral studies

Doctoral studies - postgraduate education aimed at training personnel for scientific, pedagogical and (or) professional activities, with the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor in the direction of Art.

At the level of doctoral education the Academy provides training in two groups of educational programs: Choreography and Art History.