On October 8, first-year students of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography embarked on an exciting journey through the pages of the history and culture of Kazakhstan, visiting the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This bright event became a source of inspiration for them and opened up new perspectives on their professional path.
During the tour, students learned about the key stages of the formation of Kazakh culture, saw rare artifacts and exhibitions dedicated to the traditions and achievements of the people. Special attention was paid to the sections related to dance and musical art, which is especially relevant for future specialists in the field of choreography, art history and art management. The unique stories of the guides helped to better understand the symbols of Kazakh culture, their deep significance for the national heritage and their role in the modern art scene.
The tour allowed the students not only to expand their knowledge, but also to find new creative ideas that inspire them to further their studies and careers.
The National Museum has become a vivid example of how art and science can go hand in hand, enriching a look at the past and inspiring the creation of the future!