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Charity Presidential Ball at Maksut Narikbayev University

The Kazakh National Academy of Choreography took part in the charity presidential ball of Maksut Narikbayev University, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the University. On May 4, as part of the commemorative evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Maksut Narikbayev University, the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography took part in the Presidential Charity Ball.

The choreographer of the ball for the 2nd year in a row was the deputy dean of the Faculty of Choreography, a member of the youth organization “Assembly of Zhastary” Moiseev Evgeny Sergeevich.

Within the framework of the event, students of the Faculty of Choreography Daniyarbekov Nuralem and Zhitkovets Ekaterina, Omarov Rinat and Kenes Aida, under the guidance of Ye. Moiseev was presented with the dance number “Latin mix”

The participation of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography in the event highlighted the importance of cultural exchange and cooperation between educational institutions, as well as confirmed the high level of professionalism and talent of students and teachers.