On December 12, 2024, a meeting was held within the Academy with foreign students and teachers to explain the migration legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Currently, 26 foreign students are studying at the Academy, including those who arrived as part of academic mobility, from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, the USA, Japan, Uzbekistan, Estonia and other countries.
Chief specialist of the department of international cooperation and public relations Nurzhanova L. explained the basic rules for the stay and registration of foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Migration of the Population” dated July 22, 2011 and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Fingerprint and Genomic Registration” dated December 30, 2016, which came into force on January 1 of this year.
Employees of the department carry out work on an ongoing basis to register foreign students coming to study at the Academy with the migration authorities, including obtaining a temporary residence permit, and also exercise control over preventing violations of the terms of stay.
In addition, department employees submit the necessary documents to the migration authorities to obtain a visa support number for foreign citizens who require a Kazakhstan visa for a long period.