Today, on June 5, 2024, the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography celebrates the anniversary of the head of the Department of Concert activities and stage practice, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gulnar Zhumabaevna Aliyeva.
Gulnar Zhumabaevna is a graduate of the prestigious Moscow Order of the Red Banner of Labor Academic Choreographic College, where she received a degree in choreography with the qualification of a ballet dancer. Further, having continued her studies at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, she successfully completed her education in choreography, having received the qualification of a choreography teacher.
Gulnar Zhumabaevna has more than 40 years of creative and teaching experience. From 1982 to 1999, she was a ballet dancer and a leading stage master at the Abai State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. In 2000-2016, she held the position of a teacher of classical dance, as well as head of the Department of special disciplines of the Almaty Choreographic College named after A.V. Seleznev.
In addition to her outstanding professional achievements, Gulnar Zhumabaevna is a teacher-tutor in stage practice, teaching and inspiring the next generation of talented choreographers. Among the graduates of Gulnar Zhumabaevna are Honored workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureates of international competitions, soloists of KazNTOB named after. Abaya, Astana Opera, Astana Ballet.
In recent years, Gulnar Zhumabaevna has been actively developing and improving choreographic art at our academy, leading the department of concert activities and stage practice, as well as enriching our educational program as a teacher of special disciplines at the Academy's school-college of professional education.
The staff of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography congratulates Gulnar Zhumabayevna on her sixtieth birthday and wishes her good health, long years of creative inspiration and new bright achievements in her professional activities!