On 24 February in the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography took place the presentation of new editions. The following books were added to the library of the Academy:
In the second part of the book, recommendations are given on the practical conduct of folk and stage dance lessons, which allows for a deeper immersion in the theoretical and practical material.
In this monograph, published in English, the Uyghur dance art is considered both in historical aspect and in stage interpretation. The book provides an overview of the choreographic elements preserved in the traditions and festivals of the Uyghur people. In the productions and concert programmes of the State Republican Academic Uyghur Theatre of Musical Comedy named after Kudus Kujamyarov the tendencies of development of the national choreography are traced.
Gulnara Yusupovna Saitova, Head of the Ballet Art Department, shared that the basis of this monograph was her dissertation work, which was translated into English, and emphasised the strategic importance of supporting and developing the heritage of Uyghur dance is differentiated in the aspect of combining traditions and innovations in the art of choreography.
The presented editions became an important contribution to the development of choreographic education, facilitating in-depth study of both theoretical foundations and practical methods. The event emphasised the importance of preserving cultural heritage, stimulating further research and innovative approaches in the fields of folk and stage dance, Uyghur dance and classical ballet, which will undoubtedly be the basis for future creative achievements