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Presentation of the Encyclopedia "Choreographic Art of Kazakhstan"

The presentation of the encyclopedia "Choreographic Art of Kazakhstan" took place at the Abay Kazakh National Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The encyclopedia was prepared and published by the research group at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography as part of a grant project under the leadership of Professor Zhumasheytova G.T. The presentation was dedicated to a significant anniversary being celebrated by Kazakhstani choreography this year: the 90th anniversary of the cradle of the national ballet — the Abay Theatre of Opera and Ballet and the first ballet school named after A. Seleznev.

The editors of the encyclopedia introduced its structure and provided information about the website, which hosts the book version in three languages. This site will be continuously updated with new biographies and premiere performances. During the presentation, books were gifted to the theatre and academy museums, ballet scene veterans, renowned choreographers, and representatives of creative teams.

Among the guests of the presentation were the theatre director Ainur Kopbassarova, director of the A.Seleznev Academy of Choreography Murat Tukeev, artistic director Lyudmila Li, Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR Lyudmila Rudakova, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR Zarema Kasteeva; soloists of the famous duo, Honored Artists of the Kazakh SSR Laura Majiikeeva and Firuza Zhulimbetova; Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR Natalia Goncharova; renowned Kazakh dance teacher Gajnikamal Beisenova, famous choreographers Gulnara Adamova, and the Gabbasov sisters Gulnara and Gulmira; lead soloist of the ballet, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Dmitry Sushkov; researcher and head of the Qazaq Ballet Creative Lab Damir Urazymbetov, and many others.