Every success of the Academy is the result of the work of many people who remain behind the scenes, but play a key role in creating coziness, comfort and beauty around us. The “Our People” project is a story about those who, through their work, make the Academy a place where you want to be inspired and create.
The Academy of Choreography has corners where comfort and a special atmosphere always reign, thanks to living plants that delight the eye and lift the spirits. Behind this beauty lies the work and love for his work of a person for whom plants are not just work, but their whole life. Today in the “Our People” section - Shaikhymova Gulden, florist of the Academy, who takes care of each flower with warmth and care, making the space around brighter and warmer. In an interview, she told how she came to this profession, what inspires her and what secrets help plants be healthy and delight everyone around.
— How did you get started in plant care? What brought you to this profession? “It probably all started in childhood, when I was at school. I took care of the flowers in the classroom: I wiped the leaves, watered them, checked them. You could say that my love for plants began from then on. Later, the first flowers appeared at home - geraniums. I was born and raised in Tselinograd, and there were always plants in our apartment. Then I got married, moved to the village, and there I began to work not only with indoor plants, but also with flowers in the garden.
— How long have you been working at the Academy? — I have been working at the Academy since its foundation, since 2016. Even earlier, when the Academy building was just being built, I was already working here. Then I already understood that I liked the aura of this place, and I wanted to continue working here. At first I was a watchman, but even then, when passing flowers, I was constantly drawn to them. Soon I was offered to officially engage in them.
— Is it difficult to care for plants in such a large facility? Do you have any secrets or unusual methods that help plants grow better? — Each flower needs its own approach. I can’t say that it’s difficult if you really love your job. For me, caring for plants is peace of mind. I talk to them, treat them if they suddenly get sick. Flowers are alive, they understand everything and answer me the same.
— What is your favorite plant and flower? - Each flower is beautiful in its own way, just like children. Is it possible to love one child more and another less? I love all my flowers equally, I don’t separate them.
— What feelings do you experience when you see how the flowers you care for bring joy to others? “I myself rejoice at every new leaf, and I am very pleased when our employees come up to me and thank me for my work.
By Sofya Makarenko