To participate in public procurement, we ask potential suppliers to undergo the accreditation procedure in the system of electronic trading platform
РГП на ПХВ «Казахская национальная академия хореографии» (далее – Заказчик), г. Астана, пр.ҰлыДала, 43/1, объявляет о выборе поставщиков на оказание услуг согласно Приложения 1 к настоящему объявлению.
Потенциальные поставщики предоставляют заявку, учредительные документы, коммерческое предложение с описанием опыта работы в области закупаемых товаров, работ и услуг.
К выбору допускаются все потенциальные поставщики, отвечающие требованиям Заказчика.
Заявки на участие в выборе поставщиков на оказание услуг, запечатанные в конверты, представляются (направляются) потенциальными поставщиками в РГП на ПХВ «Казахская национальная академия хореографии», г. Астана, пр. ҰлыДала, 43/1 в отдел канцелярии и архива.
Окончательный срок представления заявок на участие в выборе поставщиков на оказание услуг согласно Приложения 1 до 10.00 часов, 25.01.2024 г.
Дополнительную информацию и справку можно получить по телефонам: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of a supplier to provide services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers shall submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of procured goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of a supplier for the provision of services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submission of applications for participation in the selection of supplier for the provision of services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 23.01.2024.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of suppliers for the provision of services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers shall submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of procured goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the provision of services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
The final deadline for submitting applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the provision of services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 19.01.2024.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of a supplier to provide services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers shall submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of procured goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of a supplier for the provision of services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submission of applications for participation in the selection of supplier for the provision of services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 12.01.2024.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of a supplier to provide services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of procured goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of a supplier for the provision of services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submission of applications for participation in the selection of supplier for the provision of services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 06.12.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of a supplier to provide services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of procured goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of a supplier for the provision of services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
The final deadline for submitting applications for participation in the selection of supplier for the provision of services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 01.12.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods and services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of purchased goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods and services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to the RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submitting applications for participation in the selection of supplier for the supply of goods and services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 28.11.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of a supplier to provide services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of procured goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of a supplier for the provision of services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submission of applications for participation in the selection of supplier for the provision of services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 23.11.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods, works and services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of purchased goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods, works and services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to the RSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography", Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 in the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submission of applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods, works and services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 16.11.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" MKS RK (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of purchased goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements shall be allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to the RSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" MKS RK, Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 to the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submission of applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the supply of goods according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 26.10.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" MKS RK (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of suppliers to provide services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of purchased goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the provision of services, sealed in envelopes, shall be submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to the RSE on PCV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" MKS RK, Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 to the Department of Chancery and Archives.
Final deadline for submission of applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the provision of services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 18.10.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the adRSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" MKS RK (hereinafter - the Customer), Astana, 43/1, announces the selection of suppliers to perform works and services according to Annex 1 to this announcement.
Potential suppliers submit an application, constituent documents, commercial proposal with a description of work experience in the field of procured goods, works and services.
All potential suppliers meeting the Customer's requirements are allowed for selection.
Applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for the performance of works and services sealed in envelopes are submitted (sent) by potential suppliers to the RSE on PHV "Kazakh National Academy of Choreography" MKS RK, Astana, Ave. ҰлыDala, 43/1 to the Department of Chancery and Archives.
The final deadline for submitting applications for participation in the selection of suppliers for works and services according to Annex 1 until 10.00 hours, 16.10.2023.
Additional information and reference can be obtained by phone: 8 (7172) 790-853, 798-553.
Appendix to the ad