Contacts of admissions committees
Showing 721-730 of 4071 results

140th anniversary of Agrippina Vaganova

September 30, 2019

The round table was held at the “Kazakh national academy of choreography”, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Agrippina Yakovlevna Vaganova, an outstanding teacher and choreographer, the first Russian professor of choreography, the founder of the theory of Russian classical …

The Day of Languages

September 27, 2019

The Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan was celebrated at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography on September 27, 2019. This event was held by the initiative of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines at the Faculty …

Visit of the delegation from China

September 23, 2019

On September 23, the delegation of the Deputy Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gulmira Istaybekovna Isimbaeva, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security Sultanov Kuanysh Sultanuly, Minister of Culture and …

Мемлекет басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы

September 2, 2019

2019 жылдың 2 қыркүйегінде Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Қ.К. Тоқаев  “Сындарлы қоғамдық диалог – Қазақстанның тұрақтылығы мен өркендеуінің негізі” деген тақырыппен халыққа жолдау жасады. Қазақ ұлттық хореография академиясы Мемлекет басшысы жариялаған Жолдаумен таныса отырып, Жолдауды ұжым ішінде талқылады.  Ұжым қызметкерлері Жолдауда …

New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new books

August 15, 2019

In the framework of the project “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new books» the Academy’s library received the 2nd batch of book translations. These are 30 university books published in the Kazakh language: history, international law, Internet psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, marketing, …


July 19, 2019

Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs together with the Association “KAZENERGY” announces the creative competition “Youth – Energy – Future”. The event is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Kazakhstani oil and the celebration of the Year of Youth in …
