Contacts of admissions committees

Student of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography won the second place at the Republican competition of students’ research works

Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Temirbek Zhurgenov completed the II stage of the Republican competition of research works of students, where a 1st year student of the educational group “Pedagogy of choreographic art” of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, Askarkyzy Janel, was awarded second place in the group of educational program B028 “Choreography”, receiving a diploma of 2 degree MES RK.

The scientific work of Askarkyzy Janel, under the guidance of the candidate of art history, Professor T.O. Izim, was dedicated to the theme “Leading stars of Astana theaters”

The Kazakh National Academy of Choreography thanks Askarkyzy Janel for her contribution to the scientific community and congratulates her on her well-deserved victory, wishing her further success in her scientific and creative activities.
