Contacts of admissions committees
Showing 501-510 of 4066 results

History of the Great Steppe and Personality

December 4, 2020

On the 23 December 2020 at 11.00 a.m. the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology in collaboration with the “Rukhani zhangyry” Institute of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University and World Association of Kazakhs will hold International scientific and …

The role of father in family and society

October 14, 2020

Within the framework of the state social program the public foundation “EN BAQYTTY EL” is carrying out the project “A set of measures to support and develop paternity” aimed to support family, demographic and gender issues. The project is being …

Training “How to stop procrastinating?”

October 13, 2020

On October 13, 2020, educational psychologist of the department of educational work and social issues Ibragim M.B. a training was held on the topic: ” How to stop procrastinating?” online, for college and university students. Training goal: development of self-discipline …

Online-training “How to stop PROCRASTINATING?”

October 12, 2020

Dear students of the Academy, we are pleased to invite you to Online-training “How to stop procrastinating?”.  which will take place on October 13, 2020 at 5:00 pm in conference No. 357-941-3142 of the ZOOM application, access code: 487019. At …

Seminar training “Age psychological characteristics of students”

October 9, 2020

October 7, 2020 “Age psychological characteristics of students” seminar training was held in Kazakh National Academy of Choreography. Teachers of school-college participated to the online event at ZOOM platform. The seminar was aimed at development of professional skills of teachers …

We against corruption!

October 7, 2020

Nowadays, the fight against corruption became one of the priority tasks of building a modern democratic society of Kazakhstan. The corruption destroys public confidence in government, hinder socio-economic and spiritual progress of society and the state in a whole. The …
