Contacts of admissions committees
Showing 771-780 of 4071 results

Eugene Onegin in Karaganda

May 16, 2019

The Astana Opera’s tour to Karaganda will take place on May 18 at the Saken Seifullin Karaganda Regional Kazakh Drama Theatre with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the …

Conference on Asian Civilizations Dialogue, Beijing

May 15, 2019

Taskyn Zharmukamet, senior teacher of the concertmaster and music disciplines section, took part in the conference on the dialogue on Asian civilizations (CDAC) in Beijing. The event was attended by representatives of more than 1500 experts from around the world. …


May 14, 2019

Today the business meeting of the rector of Academy Asylmuratova Altynay of Abduakhimovna with the ambassador of Japan um Tatsukhiko Kasai and the second embassy secretary of Japan Mrs. Komura Haruhi took place. During the meeting possibilities of further cooperation …

Aigerim Beketayeva’s New Role in Spartacus

May 5, 2019

On May 7, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Aram Khachaturian’s heroic ballet Spartacus staged by the legendary choreographer Yury Grigorovich will be presented at the Astana Opera Grand Hall. The Astana Opera’s famous Principal Dancer, the Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan …

With a victory from Latvia

April 29, 2019

From April 25 to April 29, 2019 in Latvia in the city of Riga the XV international choreographic competition “The Riga Spring — 2019”) took place in which, along with the participants from Russia, Latvia, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Georgia …

Students of the Kazakh national academy conquered GITIS

April 26, 2019

From April 23-25, 2019 the Russian institute of theater – GITIS (Moscow) has held the XI International competition of young choreographers named by R.V. Zakharova “MARIA” in which the student 4 th  year of “Choreography” faculty – Ms. Saylauov Araylym …

Spring in the Chamber Hall

April 23, 2019

The April’s playbill of the Astana Opera Chamber Hall will feature a variety of diverse concerts. Musical masterpieces by outstanding Kazakh and international classical composers will create spring mood for the residents and guests of the capital. On April 12, at …

Class concert of pupils

April 19, 2019

Class concert of pupils by Serkebayeva G.H. On April 19, 2019 in the assembly hall “A concert of pupils” of a class of the teacher Serkebayeva G.H. was held at 17:30. Pupils of 5-6 classes of school college, pupils of …
