Contacts of admissions committees
Showing 841-850 of 4071 results

The subject decade

November 30, 2018

The subject decade of primary classes was held from 19 – 30 November 2018 at the school of Academy. There were open lessons on subjects, using modern technology in accordance with the basic requirements of the updated content of education …

The First President’s day

November 30, 2018

The solemn event dedicated to the First President’s day “Elbasy – the pride of a nation” was held on 30 November 2018 at the Academy. A video of students “Ult matakishi – Elbasy”, where sounded more poems about the President, …

Stefan Zeromski

November 30, 2018

The master-classes of the talented choreographer and assistant of the famous balletmaster Jiří Kylián Stefan Zeromski were carried out from 19 to 30 November 2018 at Kazakh national academy of choreography on modern dance. Stefan Zeromski has collaborated with many …

Open lesson week

November 28, 2018

The Department of additional education held open lessons in the areas of children’s aesthetic development Studio “La petite fleur” and “Creative workshop” over the last week. Every year, the parents of pupils become more and more competent in many issues …

We are for a healthy future

November 28, 2018

The large-scale action ” We are for a healthy future!” on the eve of the World day of fight against AIDS was held on November 28, 2018 with specialists of the Department of health, the center for prevention and control …

Religious ideology among young people

November 27, 2018

The meeting on the theme “Prevention of the spread of destructive religious ideology among young people” was held on 27 November, 2018. The Head of the monitoring Department of the research and analytical center on religion issues and the specialist …

Elbasy – the wise leader

November 24, 2018

The lecture about the way of life of Nursultan Nazarbayev was held in advance of the First President’s Day for Academy’s students. Nursultan Nazarbayev – the first president of Republic of Kazakhstan and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the …

Ave Майя

November 24, 2018

It doesn’t matter “what” in art. The most important thing is “how”. It is necessary that it came to everyone and touched the soul – then it is present, anyway. The ballet dancer and producer, the son of a famous …

Legends of MOVIE

November 23, 2018

The dance program “Legends of MOVIE”dedicated to International Students Day was held by the department of educational work and social affairs in cooperation with Youth Affairs Committee on 23 November, 2018. Festive disco was presented as vocal and choreographic numbers, …
