Contacts of admissions committees
Showing 271-280 of 811 results

Art students went on a Personality and Society quest

November 28, 2022

On November 28, 1st-4th years students of the Faculty of Arts had an activity “Personality and Society”, organized by the professor of the Department of Arts Zhanat Babazhanova and the 3rd year students of the specialty “Art Management”. The lesson …

Webinar “Fiction for teens from the Bibliorossica database

November 25, 2022
On November 26 at 15:00 in the library of the Academy will be a webinar "Fiction for teens from the database "Bibliorossika" for students in grades 7-11. Webinar speaker - representative of the electronic library system "Bibliorossika" Yurchenko Natalia. "Bibliorossika" …