Contacts of admissions committees

The best lecture

December 10, 2020 the Academy held a competition “The best lecture” in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
The competition is aimed at stimulation the teaching staff to use multilanguage education with purpose to prepare competitive specialists through implementation of innovation technologies in three languages.
8 lectures participated to the competition. External commission which included the best scientists of Kazakhstan announced the following results:
– In nomination «The best lecture in Kazakh language» – Izim Toigan Ospankyzy;
– In nomination «The best lecture in Russian language» – Saitova Gulnara Yusupovna;
– In nomination «The best lecture in English language» – Mutaliyeva Madina Suyunbaevna.
We thank all the participants of the competition! Wish you further success in the scientific and creative field!
