Contacts of admissions committees

The competition of readers of Abay poems among the pupils of 3rd grade of school-college educational section

Any language is great, a priceless heritage of centuries.
So take care of your native language, as the most expensive thing in the world.
Abay Kunanbaev

April 10-16 the competition dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay was held in the Academy. The event called to deepen the interest and respect of younger pupils to research the heritage of great poet bay Kunanbaev.

All participants perfectly prepared for the performance, and read the poems artistically and penetratingly. Literate speech, artistry of the contestants conquered the commission. The commission evaluated performances according to the following criteria: expressive reading, the choice of the optimal pace of speech, observance of speech standards, artistry, originality of the performance.

18 pupils of 3rd grade of school-college educational section took part in the competition. I, II, III places were approved in the results of the competition (according to the language of study).
The commission decided to award:
3 «А» class (Kazakh language of study):
I place – Boranshy Bekhan and Bimyrza Assel;
II place – Zhenis Nazifa and Karatayev Amirkhan;
III place – Adilkhan Malika, Daribayev Aldiyar.
3 «Б» class (Russian language of study):
I place – Amirova Malika;
II place – Akitbayeva Leila and Blok Victoriya;
III place – Du Yufay.

Winners will be awarded with diplomas, other participants of competition will receive the certificates.


We express our gratitude to all parents and students who participated to the preparation of the readers consent!
