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The library collection replenished with books on ballet performance and folk dances

It is always a pleasure to receive gifts. The best gift for a library is, of course, a book. In December, the Academy’s library fund was replenished with new editions. Professor, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saitova Gulnara Yusupovna presented more than 20 popular books to the library.

The monograph “Korean stage dance in choreographic art” examines the actual problems of the formation and development of Korean stage dance in the context of the choreography of Kazakhstan and its integration into the world space.

This book will undoubtedly be interesting for students and undergraduates, as well as teachers of choreographic disciplines.

In the monograph “Uyghur Dance: Origins. Traditions. Stage incarnation” Uyghur dance art is considered, both in historical aspect and in stage interpretation.


The third book donated to the library is a book of Ella Germanovna Esyreva “Ballet: libretto and script”. The textbook is intended for students of creative universities of the specialty “Directing”. This manual sets out the topics of the main directions of the discipline “Ballet libretto and script”, including the characteristics of the main methods that exist in the world choreographic practice when creating a ballet performance.

“The most important feeling in life is the feeling of love,” said Ella Germanovna. If you do not love and do not worry about everything that appears in your life, do not pass it all through your soul, your art will be dead and no one will be interested in it. Love and be loved!”


We express our deep gratitude to Gulnara Yusupovna for her gifted books. Wish you a good health and all the best in your life!
