Contacts of admissions committees

“Uncover Show – 2023” Annual Contest

On the 26th of April, the Academy held an annual traditional competition, “Uncover Show – 2023,” which strengthened many students’ creativity this year. The project’s main goal is to reveal new sides of the students and present a fresh image of the contestants to the public.

The feature of this year’s competition is that each contestant has to show different sides of themselves and prove their versatility: one is a singer, another one is a dancer, one reads a monologue, while the other presents their original poems.

The 2nd year student of ballroom dance pedagogy, Dias Isaev, won the 3rd place; Sabina Tolenova, the 1st year student of “Artist of the Dance Ensemble,” won the 2nd place; and Sofya Temirkhanova, the 1st year art history student, won the 1st place. The end of the art competition was filled with enthusiasm and the public’s warm welcome. Such contests unlock students’ potential and prove that the Academy’s students excel not only academically but also in creativity. The event’s coordinator – the Faculty of Arts, thanks active students of the Academy.
