Contacts of admissions committees
Showing 171-180 of 796 results

The green gift

May 18, 2023

On the 18th of May, graduates and teachers of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography held a traditional tree-planting ceremony. Annually, graduates contribute to the Academy’s landscaping and leave their signatures on the Alumni Alley. The event was organized by …

Business Bridge between the Polish Embassy and the Academy

May 17, 2023

On the 16th of May, the results of the joint work of the Polish Embassy in Kazakhstan, UMFC, Poland, and the Kazakh National Academy were summed up. Between May 10th and 15th, representatives of the Polish University, Professor Claudia Carlos-Mahei, …

Sultanakhmet Khodjikov’s legacy

May 15, 2023

On May 15th, the Faculty of Art, the Department of the Art History and Art-Management, held an information and educational event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Sultanakhmet Khodjikov -Kazakh SSR’s Honoured Artist and laureate of the State Prize named …


May 15, 2023

On May 12th, the assembly hall of our Academy hosted animated films screening dedicated to celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first Kazakh animator Amen Khaydarov (1923-2015), the founder of Kazakh animation, the artist and director of animated films. The …

Contemporary and Polish folk dance workshops

May 11, 2023

On the 10th of May, professors and students of Poland’s Chopin University of Music arrived at the Academy o conduct workshops on contemporary and Polish folk dance and exchange experiences. Professor Claudia Carlos-Mahei presented a brief history of the Polish …

Unforgettable moments of the reporting concert

May 11, 2023

On May 10th and 11th of 2023, the reporting concert of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography for the 2022-2023 academic year was held on the stage of the “Astana Ballet” Theater. The annual concert was unique with the premiere …

The quest unites the students

May 5, 2023

The 1st year students of the Academy participated in an educational quest game which was organized with the aim of gaining experience in teamwork in unusual situations. The quest consisted of several stages, each of which had to be completed …


May 4, 2023

The seminar “Financial security and zero corruption tolerance” with Dilyara Begalykyzy, the chairman of NGO “Jastar Alauy,” was held in the Academy’s assembly hall for students and teaching staff on May 4th at 11.30 am. The discussion at the event …
